Foldable Polyester Tote Bag (With Button Closure)

Foldable Polyester Tote Bag (With Button Closure)
Foldable Polyester Tote Bag (With Button Closure)
Foldable Polyester Tote Bag (With Button Closure)
Foldable Polyester Tote Bag (With Button Closure)

2024-02-28 17:13:36

Recent Project Photos (66)

Designed with style and comfort, it can be carried anywhere and be worn over your shoulders. Simply fold the bag and secure it with the button closure when its not in use. The compact folded size means that you may bring it along with you with ease and convenience!

210D Polyester

45cm Length x 41cm Height (not including handles)

Red, Black, Blue

For Overseas Production Only

For Overseas Production Only

For Overseas Production Only